Cărţi rare(10)- Nicolae Iorga - Histoire des Roumains et de la romanité orientale

Saved from fire, books reveal history as it is! Who wants to hide history? Do you know the answer?... Try to mix water and oil! In a few moments, each will be back again to their natural form...

Nicolae Iorga- ICONOGRAFIA

De la inceputurile religiei omul a avut nevoie cu disperare să-şi imagineze cum arată Dumnezeu! Cum poţi vorbi cu Legea  Gravitaţiei dacă nu ştii ce culoare are părul ei?!... Deşi Domnul spune in Vechiul Testament că nu ne este permis să avem Idoli, exact asta facem! Pictăm din Imaginaţie o grămadă din inchipuirile noastre spunând: "Iată cum arată Dumnezeu!" Această carte a "gustat" căldura focului. Acest meşteşug antic a a rămas pentru a oferi privitorului puţină pace interioară.

 Since the beginning of religion man needed desperately to imagine how God looks like! How can you talk to the Law of Gravitation if you don't know the color of the hair? Although in the Old Testament Lord said that we are NOT allowed to have Idols, this is exactly what we are doing! We paint from imagination a lot of our dreams and we say that : "This is how God looks like!" This book "tasted" the heat of fire. Now the same antic skill remained to offer to the watcher a little inner peace.

This is : Nicolae Iorga- ICONOGRAPHY- Art of Painting Temples and Icons.


Cărţi rare(7)- "UBU REGE" de Alfred Jarry



In anul 197o la Casa Scânteii, Secţia "Legătorie de artă", din tirajul total de 5300 de exemplare al lucrării "Ubu Rege" de Alfred Jarry, s-au realizat 120 de exemplare legate in piele, incasetate, numerotate de la 001-120 cu semnătura Romulus Vulpescu.

In 197o the "Scânteia Editing House", section "Binding of art", the total circulation  of 5,300 copies of  "King Ubu" by Alfred Jarry, had also 120 leather-bound copies, boxed, numbered 001-120 with Romulus Vulpescu's signature.


Books of Art(1)- Cyril Aldred "The Development of Ancient Egyptian Art"

Ancient Egyptian Art from 32oo to 1315 B.C.

At first view, the word "development" with its modern overtones suggesting a n evolutionary progress, may be considered inappropriate when employed in an Egyptian context: for the Egyptian view of reality was essentially static. 
The periodic inundation of the Nile created a predictable environment in which change was but a sequence of recurring dualities- of red desert and black alluvium, of drought and flood, of abundance and scarcity, sterility and fruitfulness.
Egyptian culture reflects in its art and religion, its social structure and habits of thought, the same inevitable and unchanging rhythms.

Metaux rares et pierres precieuses

Metaux rares et pierres precieuses, Collection Sciences et Voyages, Paris,  Autor: G. Kerormel  An aparitie 1926, cuprins relevant pentru cu...