In anul 197o la Casa Scânteii, Secţia "Legătorie de artă", din tirajul total de 5300 de exemplare al lucrării "Ubu Rege" de Alfred Jarry, s-au realizat 120 de exemplare legate in piele, incasetate, numerotate de la 001-120 cu semnătura Romulus Vulpescu.
In 197o the "Scânteia Editing House", section "Binding of art", the total circulation of 5,300 copies of "King Ubu" by Alfred Jarry, had also 120 leather-bound copies, boxed, numbered 001-120 with Romulus Vulpescu's signature.
In 197o the "Scânteia Editing House", section "Binding of art", the total circulation of 5,300 copies of "King Ubu" by Alfred Jarry, had also 120 leather-bound copies, boxed, numbered 001-120 with Romulus Vulpescu's signature.