Nicolae Giuran and a close friend were two young officers of the Romanian Royal army at the beginning of the 20th Century. One of them is my grand father and the postcard was made in 1910. As you can see how elegant were the uniforms and the postcard, take a look at the back of the image.
Note: the photo is in my private collection and it is protected by the law of copyright, do not copy without express written consent from the owner.
Nicolae Giuran si un prieten apropiat au fost doi ofiteri ai armatei regale romane de la inceputil secolului al 20-lea. Unul dintre ei este bunicul meu iar cartea postala a fost facuta in anul 1910.
Precum puteti vedea, daca aruncati o privire pe dosul imaginii, atat uniformele cat si cartea postala erau elegante.
Nota: fotografia se afla in proprietatea mea si este protejata de legea copyright-ului, n-o copiati fara acordul expres in scris al proprietarului.